Monday, November 18, 2019

How Long Should a Job Search Take

How Long Should a Job Search Take How Long Should a Job Search Take “When am I going to find a job?” Just how long should a job search take? Those are the questions many job seekers likely ask themselves at some point during their job searchespecially if its taking a while, or theyre unemployed and really needing to land something quickly. Just how long should a job search take? These guidelines can give you a good idea, plus offer some motivation to make it go faster: Run the numbers. The truth is that there is no one, right answer to this How long? question. It varies greatly from person to person, and job search to job search. There are a ton of factors to take into consideration, such as the current job market, the time of year, your level of experience, and the list goes on. But if youre hoping to get a better idea of whether a typical job search for someone in your situation should take three days, 30 days, or 300 days, this might help: according to some experts, it takes about one month of job searching for every $10,000 that you plan to earn. So if you’re looking to make $50,000 annually, it might take upwards of five months to find a job. (This isnt always the case!) Factor in the variables. Again, there are many things that can affect a job search and make it go faster (or slower) than you might have imagined. Things such as the state of the economy and the number of jobs in your area can play a major factor. If you’ve been out of work for a longer period of time, it could take longer, since employment gaps can be counted against you by a hiring manager. Other things to consider include the growth in your industry and your own flexibility as a job seeker (i.e., are you willing to accept a part-time job when you really want a full-time position?). Be honest with yourself- but maintain a positive attitude. A certain amount of your job search success comes not from potential employers, but from you. It’s up to you as the job seeker to actively search for employment as often as you possibly can. If you think that it’s going to take months to find a job, well, then it’s going to. Instead, have a more positive mindset that your job search will be successful- and swift. That means investing in your job search by creating quality job applications, making sure that your resume and cover letter are fantastic, and being proactive about networking. All of these can greatly improve your chances of getting hired faster. Here are some other tips to potentially help make your job search move faster: Improve yourself. Just because you’re job searching doesn’t mean that you can’t do other things, too. If you’re noticing that the jobs you want are slightly out of your reach, pinpoint what it would take for you to become a more qualified candidate. Maybe it’s updating your skills, creating more of an online social media presence, or even completing your degree. Taking the steps to make it happen can boost your chances of getting hired, and also keep you motivated to continue with your search. Search often. If you thought that you could search a couple of times a week for a job, think again. Job seekers who want to get hired now have to search every single day. Although that might seem like a drag, fresh job listings post daily, and waiting a day or two (or longer) to apply can greatly decrease your chances of being considered for the job. Be flexible. Sure, you want a flexible job, but are you a flexible job seeker? Even if you want to find a full-time, telecommuting job, you might need to be more flexible and consider other options instead. For example, you might look for a part-time flex job (that could eventually transition into a full-time, remote job), or a few freelance gigs that will let you work from home. It’s good to know what you want in terms of a job, but you also have to understand that there’s usually more than one way to get to the goal line. Envision the future. If your goal is to get hired, start imagining what it would be like to already work in your dream job. Notice how you feel as you think about doing work that you love- and getting paid for it. Feel your body relax as you think about having a flexible job that works for (and not against) you and your schedule, giving you the time you need to tend to your personal life without sacrificing the professional. This mental vision board can get you through the tougher times and allow you to maintain momentum. Just breathe. It’s easy to get upset if your job search is going on longer than you originally planned. But you’ll get nowhere being upset and frustrated. Even if you’re not into meditation, start your day with a few deep breathing exercises, and vow to make your job search count today- and every day. Eventually, it will pay off with a paying position. Check Out These Jobs Hiring Now

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